Something from nothing cannot be;
Yet something is, as all can see.
Arguing thus from effect to cause
Must violate several natural laws.
Then what should we think or what believe:
God's a Magician with a cosmos up His sleeve?
Something from nothing cannot be;
Yet something is, as all can see.
Arguing thus from effect to cause
Must violate several natural laws.
Then what should we think or what believe:
God's a Magician with a cosmos up His sleeve?
A Bit of Donne
Oh to see the Face of God,
Be lost within the Glory,
Ravished by Divinity,
Yet stand to tell the story.
A Clerihew
Mike Rowe
Has a Discovery TV show.
He'll take any Dirty Job
That leaves him looking like slob.
70 and Expecting
I live like a pregnant woman
Soon to give birth—to death.
I'm scared of the pain of delivery
And frightened of that very last breath.
Believe It Or Not!
Once I was baffled,
Twice I was fooled,
But you can’t fool me thrice—
I’ve been cleverly schooled.
Doing dishes in the Kitchen
In the middle of the night,
I looked out the Kitchen window,
And I gave myself a fright;
For looking in the window
From the darkness of the night
Was an image of myself,
Terrified of the same sight!
Simon’s Day
So many choices
What should I do?
Attack our black cat?
Find something to chew:
The tired old house slipper,
Or the book that smells new?
A Clerihew
Jessica Sunshine,
Bright as a landmine,
Exploded with praise
Over Deep Impact’s gaze:
[at Hartley 2]
Evening Chorus
While Emily leaned upon the Awe,
I sank down before it.
In either case the brilliant light
Saw fit both to ignore us.
Spitting out cyanide
Eight days in a row
Made it a creature
I’d rather not know.
Shaped like a peanut,
Not like a bell,
Hartley 2 seemed like
The Comet from Hell!
A New High
Restless as a Chipmunk
Storing autumn seed,
My wife, with her new project,
Fulfills a different need!
Lord of the glowing, sun-lit clouds
Afloat in the blue-quilt sky;
Lord of the crimson sunsets,
A-swirl with bright angel dye;
Lord, for such beauty we praise you,
The source of all good and all true.
Lord, for such beauty we thank you,
May it deepen our souls and renew.
The Illusion
Light years make the sky look static,
Images of vast repose;
Truth be known the sky’s dynamic,
More like poetry than prose.
The Omen
I felt like an ancient Roman,
Shuffling down my drive,
As a flock of crows flew overhead:
Thank God! I’m still alive!
Parade, Taylor Swift
She reminds me of a Woodland Elf,
Sitting on that rusted swing,
Sporting a look that’s lyrical,
On a creature born to sing.
Adam, Before the Fall
I love to sit in the garden,
Motionless and still,
Let my mind be one with the sun
And guide it with my will.
After the Fall
Adam lost his temper
With Eve, his former Queen.
He cursed the fruit-filled fig tree
And invented the word obscene.
I heard the blocks of Moonlight,
Tumbling all around;
I heard the beat of Cygnus' wings,
Though they didn't make a sound.
More Bedbug Issues
Bedbug, Bedbug,
Hiding in the sheet,
Looking for a bloody human treat,
Like some tasty human feet!
Bedbug, Bedbug,
Don't you dare bite,
For on this cold November night,
I'll put up one helluva fight!
A Frosty Response
I chose the road less travelled,
A stupid thing to do!
I wound up in the Dark Woods,
And for a path, no clue!