I've been reading a wonderful book by Paul Mariani, Thirty Days: On Retreat with the Exercises of St. Ignatius, given to me by my good friends Fred and John. This afternoon I found a passage that states clearly (clarity, what a gift in a writer!) the idea that sums up my attitude toward God and creation and that always lies behind my poor attempts to be humorously creative, as in "Matins."
Mariani, nearing the end of his retreat, is reading St. Ignatius on the Contemplation to Attain Love which is in the Exercises. Mariani describes the passage on which he is meditating and the points Ignatius is making: "How God dwells in all creation, sustaining everything at the minutest subatomic level. How He is present in everything around me, in the very trees and the tangled bine stems behind and before me, in the ice and snow and rain, in the clouds, in the sunlight, in the very air I breathe. I thought of the Lord keeping all of His creation continually in existence, His very Being present in all of this" (254). Mariani goes on to ask "Why?....Why should He reveal Himself in matter? Why not just spirit?" His response to his own question is worth pursuing and leads him both to the resurrected "glorified body" of Christ and to Mary "even as her yes made it possible for her to be filled with God" (255).
I highly recommend this work and am truly grateful to my friends for leading me to it.