My weblog does not seem to be working well, at the moment; therefore, I thought I would try a new paper and see if that corrected the problem or, as usual, just made it worse. In any case I spent an hour in my downstairs office trying to find my copy of Flannery O'Connor's stories. Amen! An hour. I succeeded, but of course it is now too late to write much. At least I found them this time and it is not the first time I looked.
Last night I was out in the subdivision down the road a bit to get a clear view of the sky. The moon was magnificent. As I was standing there just observing it, I remembered, more or less, a quote I read not too long ago. It was something like, for those who believe in God, everything reflects his nature and goodness; all is evidence of his being, in effect. For those who do not believe in God, nothing is evidence. The problem was that my first thought was how could you see this glorious moon and not believe. Then I remembered the quote.
One more thing: this morning, Mary, Diane, and I went to Richmond in the afternoon to see ARRIVAL. I thought it was a marvelous movie, a transforming experience. Eventually, I may have to write about it, but not yet, for to say anything meaningful about the movie, I would need to discuss the meaning of the entire movie, but that meaning is something that one needs to experience for him or herself. I found it to be a very powerful story, but understanding the movie requires attention to the details, as with understanding any work of art. Thus, at this point I would simply urge you to see it if you like good and challenging works of art.
Uh oh. I tried to select a category, the usual three were not there. Well, I shall try to save it and see what happens.
Something is definitely wrong. I found the entry, but it is now after "Pookie's Obituary."