Honestly, in my early mid seventies, I find nothing quite as satisfying as lying on my back on the bed, in mid afternoon, and slipping off to sleep with my little dog tucked comfortably under my arm.
Honestly, in my early mid seventies, I find nothing quite as satisfying as lying on my back on the bed, in mid afternoon, and slipping off to sleep with my little dog tucked comfortably under my arm.
The Nap
The moment in the day that's best
Occurs when I lie down to rest
With the little dachshund guy.
Lord above, don't ask me why!
But thank you for the simple nap
That so offsets life's usual crap,
And thank you for the Little Guy
Who sleeps beside me by-and-by.
Caught Napping
Simon sleeps well under my arm,
Pinkie will sleep on my chest;
In either case it's a soothing way
To snag a mid-afternoon rest.
Curled up like a black half-moon,
Lying on our bed:
I couldn't tell her front from back
Nor her black tail from her head--
Until she oped her yellow eyes
With a look that said, "You're dead!"
The Nap
The best thing in the whole wide world
Is lying all snug on the bed
With Simon tucked tightly under my arm
And Frollie wrapped round my head.