December 2011
Jupiter rules the star-rich night,
An ancient god cast out of light,
And yet, cast out he is indeed,
Replaced by the God of the Nicene Creed,
Who loves each planet, rock, and tree,
Who loves each soul--Adam to Thee.
December 2011
Jupiter rules the star-rich night,
An ancient god cast out of light,
And yet, cast out he is indeed,
Replaced by the God of the Nicene Creed,
Who loves each planet, rock, and tree,
Who loves each soul--Adam to Thee.
The Veil
The night sky's like a curtain,
A veil--of that I'm certain,
Hiding stacks and shelves of stars,
Galaxies and sometimes Mars;
Like a hugh department store,
With comets, meteors, and more;
Suns with energy to burn,
Solar winds that whirl and turn
Cosmic dust to cosmic forms,
The consequence of cosmic storms;
Frigid moons that orbit worlds
Round far-flung planets light years hurled
That only Hubble can discern
For which just human hearts can yearn.
Amen to this heavenly story,
This universe of light and glory.