Fauna: in the past week we have had a doe in our back yard, a tiny mouse in our washing machine. My wife came upstairs and announced that something was wrong with our washing machine. “It isn’t working?” I asked. Technology! I hate it when machines quit working. “No,” she replied; “there’s a mouse in the washer.” I tried to move it into an empty Kraft Parmesan cheese container, but the mouse was too small to manipulate that way. Finally I just picked it up by its very long tail, and dropped it in. I took it into subdivision wilderness and freed him. That was a long tail, and a short.

We also have the second turtle back in the pond, Belladonna, though she spends most of her time out of the pond and immobile on a specific rock. Meanwhile, Esmerelda gobbles up all the pellets and mealworms. I have a picture of them together on the island in the middle of the pond. Who knows, who can say. It was probably Emerson who wrote that “All the thoughts of turtle are turtle.” In my judgement it was probably the truest thing he ever wrote, or said.

Esmerelda and Belladonna sunning themselves on the island, the two ladies.  Bella’s rock is behind the plant in the center of the photo on the far shore.

Esmerelda and Belladonna sunning themselves on the island, the two ladies. Bella’s rock is behind the plant in the center of the photo on the far shore.

Coleus, a marvelous color.

Coleus, a marvelous color.

Sunlight caught In day lilies.

Sunlight caught In day lilies.