Ah, life. Mary bought a second turtle, Belladonna or Bella Lou, 20 dollars. She, Bella (not Mary) and Esmerelda seemed to be getting along famously for the first and second day; on the third day Belladonna disappeared into the floral abundance of the backyard garden. We haven’t seen her since then. I trudged around the garden paths again today, but no Belladonna. Esmerelda disappeared for about two weeks once, and then, somewhat miraculously, I thought, returned and has been there ever since.

Yesterday, I saw Esmerelda basking turtle fashion on the little island in the middle of the pond; today she was just hanging in the water and floating. Not a turtle care in the world. In the meantime, no companion. The pet store owner, Michael, told Mary that the female red-eared sliders get along. Hmm! Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. Who can say for sure regarding this pair at this point. I’ve put out an APB with the local blackbirds and jays, but no news yet.

In any case, I wanted to put on this note a photo or two of another interestingly named day lily, Bela Lugosi. Wish I had noticed the dead flower behind it, but then the dead one may be appropriate, given the name of the flower.

I was so taken with turtles and flowers that I forgot to mention the current sky phenomenon, or is it phenomena? In any case last night the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn were lined up beautifully in that order, from west to East. Tonight, should we have a clear sky, the Moon will continue to move East, closer to Jupiter, as in a cosmic dance movement, as the Moon and planets interact up there, or out there. The full Moon almost washes out Saturn, who still follows Jupiter, but they are delightful to watch.

Meet Bela Lugosi, just a little dark with a lovely center.

Meet Bela Lugosi, just a little dark with a lovely center.

Another one in another area of the rose garden, I think.

Another one in another area of the rose garden, I think.