The Way to a Purified Heart
My son, give me your heart (Prv 23:26). This is why Jesus came into this world: he wanted to be loved by us. He wanted to seek out the hearts that would love him, so that he might offer them to his heavenly Father.
His love is the sum of all perfection, the summation of all the virtues; it is the holy life. Our lives should have a goal: love itself. God’s love is as strong as death. It has wings immaculate as those of a dove and strong as those of an eagle to take us away from the miseries of earth and lift us up to the regions of infinite happiness.
Jesus’ thirst is insatiable. Its depths are unfathomable. He loves and desires to be loved. He loves and, in his sovereign humility, wants us to let ourselves be loved by him. He wants us to ask him to love us.
What do we mean by “letting ourselves be loved by him”? It is to receive his approach of love even if it embarrasses us. Letting ourselves be loved by him is to open ourselves to all the demands of love.
It means looking at him when he wants us to look at him. It means loving him as he wants us to love him. It means being silent when he needs us to be silent. It means speaking when he is listening. Listening when he is speaking. Being in spiritual darkness when this pleases him and enjoying his light when he sends it. In a word, letting ourselves be loved means losing our soul in Jesus and being a flawless mirror that reflects his glance.
Blessed Concepción Cabrera de Armida
Blessed Concepción († 1937), also known as “Conchita,” was a wife, mother, widow, and mystical writer. She was the first Mexican laywoman to be beatified. / From What Jesus Is Like, Most Rev. Donald W. Montrose, Tr. © 2008, The Fathers and Brothers of the Society of St. Paul, ST PAULS/Alba House, Staten Island, NY. Used with permission.