An Apologia por me Vita


I always hesitate to “Save and Publish” these kinds of exercises, for they are so bad. I would give anything to be able to write a good line of verse, but the task seems hopelessly beyond me, my glass always half empty, or worse. I let them sit for a while, usually; I tinker with them, changing a word here, rewriting a line there. In the end, however, my tinkering doesn’t change much. They are what they are, ha, as long as they rhyme (even such a worn one as head / dead gives me pleasure); small meager things, these verses, I admit, but mine own this time. Seriously. Mostly. LES


I used to watch the news each night

Brown shining eyes, unusually bright

With Lester or Norah, Jose or Kate

Lips spitting forth the last act of Fate

Skeleton buildings, women in tears

Sympathy extended, lies for our ears.

Is the mike hot, are our hearts cold

How can we watch a poor nation sold

People before us, everything lost

Mass graves in the garden, all souls tossed

Easter has past now, will Jesus remain

Hidden in bread, loving hearts or Spring rain?

Are We Live?

Tell me how you feel, Sweetheart

What thoughts went through your head

When the shooting started

Are many people dead?

The images are disturbing

With bodies in the street

A gunman shooting randomly

Even Angels cry retreat.

God hides his face in sorrow

For the fallen human race

The cross was not enough, it seems

Nor freely given grace.

You’re in our thoughts and prayers

We say, in our restless hearts

Tell me, Sweetheart, how you feel

When the shooting starts!

Easter Morning 33 A.D.

plus or minus

The stone was rolled, off stage right

The tomb left empty as bridal bower

The soldiers fled to drink and hide

The Gardner looks—His power hidden.

What else here has been concealed—

Just Nature’s Law for Him repealed?

Editor’s Footnote: the last line is apparently a real question. Make of it what you will. The image that follows is that of Jesus and the rich young man. Given that there are so many empty tomb or resurrection images available, I fail to see why the writer chose that one. Oh well, writers are frequently eccentric, as we all well know.