Ora Pro Nobis

Good lady Chastity—

Virgin, Mother and Queen—

Matriarch, Lodestar of Heaven—

Woman, Bride, God-bearer supreme.

Pray for us—lost Sons of Adam!

Pray for us— fair Daughters of Eve!

For we would be Holy and Virtuous—

Our Sinful Lives, help us to leave.

Copperhead Spotted:

If I were bitten by that snake

He’d be in big trouble;

I’d track and kill that wayward beast—

Bury him in rubble!

Copperhead Replies:

If I had bitten that big man,

He’d be in no condition

To track and kill a garden slug—

He’d need a sound mortician!


Now I’ve watched The Sandman,

Purveyor of meaningful dreams;

Even the nightmares he sends us

Change fright into loud, robust screams!


I do my whining with my dining

Every day at 4;

If I’m not served what I’ve deserved,

I take to bed and roar!

I do my dining with my whining

Every day at 8;

If I’m not fed my daily bread

I shall reciprocate!

I have such gas that I must pass

The pinto beans and rice;

Pinto beans and turnip greens

Never do play nice!

A man who’d spill blood for a thrill

Deserves a long life sentence;

Put him in jail without just bail

If there’s no true repentance!

I’ll go to sleep without a peep

When Mother’s in her fury!

I’ll rest my head when I am dead,

So what’s your bloody hurry?


The world began in bright Wonder,

When God said, “Let Light be!”

Creatures emerged as from Thunder,

Lightning flashed brilliantly!

Gardens grew into palaces

Where water flowed in streams;

Fragrant flowers blossomed and bloomed—

Colors flourished in themes:

Roses in reds burnished brightly,

Day lilies orange may be:

White as the sunlight of summer,

Yellows glorious to see.

Azalea bushes in splendor,

Explode in hot pink reams;

Golden or purple plush bushes,

Fit companions in dreams.

Songbirds sitting on branches grey,

Opened their mouths to sing;

Others ascended fresh blue skies

Colors from grace to wing:

Golden Eagle, brown-feathered Hawk,

Jet black Raven and crow,

Cardinal and Red-breasted Robin,

Sea Gull whiter than snow.

Indigo Bunting, purple Swift,

Rufous-sided Towhee;

Blue Jay, green Jay, up in the air,

And Gold Finch flying free.

Cedar Waxwing, Mockingbird, Wren

Grey, brown and some yellow—

Purple Finch, Sparrow, black Vulture,

Not a friendly fellow!

We live in a World of Wonders,

Wheelbarrows, Rusty Rings,

Queens, Hearts, Humpty Dumpty, Croquet,

Old Cabbages and Kings.

We live in a World of Wonder,

Rainbows, Insects galore,

And creatures willing to eat them—

Thank God for that and much more!

The World may end in bright Wonder

With Jabberwoks going in style;

Nothing left at the very last,

Only the Cheshire Cat’s faint smile!

Doggerel ditties perplex us

Unless they make us grin;

This, as a coda, won’t hex us,

Nor lead us into sin.

Of course it might make us wonder;

Most things do that for me:

Why is there something not nothing?

Ask the next guy you see.