My ox is in the cistern
Or maybe it’s my son;
in any case my neighbors say
The time for work is done.
It’s Sunday a.m. time for Mass
You’ll have to leave your ox or son
To welter in the chilly depths
For Mass has just begun.
Then out of nowhere comes this Jew
Who says, “I’ll help you now,
For the neighbors all are hypocrites,
Not one would lose a cow,
Let alone a precious son
Or a field they needs must plow.”
Sunday is a special day
For being mindful of the way.
God deals with His creation.
Not by rigid iron-clad laws
That govern all behavior,
All our human flaws,
But leave the human heart untouched;
For that you need a savior
Who will give your son a loving hand,
Help mend your bad behavior.
Advent is upon us now,
A time of preparation
To welcome in the Holy One
To make all reparation.
Awaiting the Dawn
or the Night
(Intermittent Ambiguity)
Death, the invisible reaper,
Sweeps through the sky at night;
Only the ravens are wary,
Aware of his swift deadly flight.
Only the ravens can see him
only the ravens know
That death is the midnight reaper
The bringer of darkness and woe.
Death will torment each one of us,
Gather us into his fold;
Only the bravest will face him,
The one who in faith remains bold.
Death the invisible reaper
Blots out the stars as he glides
Seeking the next son of Adam
The one who in faith never hides,
Who sends the ravens off shrieking
Unsettling the settled this night;
Only the ravens can see him
And the child who stands in the light.
Image: that’s Earl, from MUTTS. No ambiguity there!
But dogs are like that in my experience.