Behavior Modification

Began Chewing and Licking His Ears

Behavior Modification LVI

Guy I know was walking past his love seat, when he saw his little red dachshund lying there.  He stopped, started to sit on the arm of the love seat, missed half of the arm, slid off the arm onto the seat whereupon gravity took over, he slid off the seat and landed on the floor next to his Jack Russell terrier who was lying there.  On the floor he had his back to the footstool that sits there, which the dogs use to climb onto the love seat.  So, feeling foolish my friend gave his JR a belly rub which she adores as if that were his entire reason for dropping down there.  Meanwhile, his little red dachshund had jumped down to the footstool and began chewing and licking his ears.  What an experience my friend had with his creatures.