Images, details, the way in which God speaks to us? But how do we know? How do we understand? We might ask the poets who are knowledgeable and good at that kind of thing.
Our dachshund, Schuster, he of the mischievous eyes, the fine long hair, the beautiful face, lover of treats, eater of cheese, tail wagger, trouble maker, cat chaser, lover of belly rubs, good companion, instance.
And then we wake up to find one or two of these guys sitting on our balcony rail, omens of our impending mortality. Yet seeing 40 or 50 of them fly in at dusk to roost in our white pines and silver maple is an impressive sight.
"En el país de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey. " Como dice el Dicho, a TV show from the Spanish channel, one I am watching to improve my Spanish language ability. Translation within.
As I said, Life is good; choose life, especially when you have a stubborn little dachshund who loves you, probably, by your side. Ah Simon, cheese for supper; that always keeps him close.
I seem to have gotten more table than box, but the picture does give you a hint about the content here. I tried to center the photo, but, alas, time has rendered me incapable. In any case, this is an entry for people in a hurry!
"What great nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?" (Deuteronomy 4:7). The reference from God Is Near Us. Read on....
Here we have our new creature feature, house-guest Sophie, who is in the process of descending from our deck to the ground below, as more or less described in the last entry. This entry, however, contains the address of the dceaglecam. With a bit of commentary.
This photo is from a collection I found once I had figured out what the creature was that Simon and I discovered on the walking trail one day. For the exciting adventure with Skinks and Rat Snakes, open the essay, or whatever these things are, and read on. Blessings.
The azaleas are blooming all over the garden, and I make certain to visit the most glorious of them several times a day. This red color is truly magnificent; there are six to eight bushes of them of various sizes throughout Mary's garden. Thanks be for spring and pinkish red azaleas! Pinkish red?
Mary took a new picture of my statue but the photo seems to have something wrong with it in my little box. It is a good photo in my camera roll, but here, we shall see.
I remember that I had a clear ontological purpose when I started this essay, but somehow it disappeared in the act of writing, and then the doorbell rang.
What is the connection between Psalm 136, "0 give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever," and the Mutts Sunday comic?
I found a quarter at the dog walk parking lot several days ago, used my cane to haul it out from under the car, at which point my wife, who was coming around the car to pick up Simon, reached down, grabbed it and announced to the world that it was hers!
Touch is glorious, I know: the beloved's soft skin and sooth hair, the little child's hand, the small dog's silky coat, the feel of cool water, the warmth of sunlight on my shoulders, the roughness of tree bark, the strength of my father's arms, the love in my mother's grasp.