I should have done this a month ago, but I forget to do things that I ought to do and do things that I ought not to do, like one of those Biblical characters, Peter or Bartholomew or David or Paul. Hmm. Well, I stopped to visit the bathroom and do my 250 Fitbit steps so that I get the green arch on my Fitbit dashboard page.
First, there is a live eagle cam that absolutely delights me.
I meant to put that here a month ago, but that was one of the things I failed to get around to, and watching the two young eagles, the so-named Honor and Glory, eat, and squabble, and grow and mature has occupied a lot of my time. The mama is magnificent. The eagle's nest is in a tulip tree in the Arboretum in our capital. Whoop! Yesterday, one of the eagles began flapping his now enormous wings and hopped/flew from one side of the large nest to the other. In the past the parents have caught rather grand fish from the Potomac River, I suppose, and brought them to the nest. For a while the parents ripped the fish and fed the little ones, the eaglets. How cute. And they ate and they grew. There was a mishap with one of the chicks who got her foot caught in a twig around the nest. The park people rescued her, determined her sex, fixed her up, and returned her to the nest. You can read about the rescue on the website. There are also two cams so that the viewer can switch perspectives. Very nice. Compelling. Sometimes adventures like this make our vulnerable technology worthwhile.
I have a number of pictures now from Mary, especially one of Sophie, so I think I will post that one today. Currently we are in the midst of yet another downpour; thus, the dogwalk scheduled for today is probably cancelled. Actually, I should post this entry while the eagles are still in the nest, before I go on to my Fitbit contest with my daughter-in-law Erin.
Oh yes. We viewers got to vote on four pairs of names for the new eagles, and I am pleased as punch to admit that I voted for Honor and Glory. Those names give them something to live up to that is in short supply in our current government and its minions. All of them make me think of the one-eyed little yellow guys in the animated movies. Inept, ineptitude, ineptness; liars, cheaters. "I will make it my mission for the next four years to ensure that O does not get re elected, and he even failed at that, fortunately, I think. Remove him. Sorry. But he is a little one-eyed minion, who has now trumped us all. Disgusting!