How can we not think about it, offer it up? Everyone suffers, but underneath it all there is this:

Crucifixion: After Psalm 22

The first nail’s piercing painful,

It punctures flesh and bone;

The second breaks the other hand,

Immovable like stone.

I scream and cry for mercy,

For the presence of my God,

But no one comes to save me

From this painful path I’ve trod.

Someone’s holding down my feet,

I see the mallet raised,

I feel the point of entry

As my flesh is lightly grazed.

The soldiers look up laughing

At their feigned and foolish blow;

Not one has human sympathy;

They just enjoy the show!

The mallet finds its target;

The third nail finds the wood

Blood spurts from my ravaged feet,

The world’s misunderstood.

I try to move my body,

The pain is hard to bear;

The crown of thorns pierces my flesh

As I’m thrown into the air.

I moved once through the cosmos

Tossing suns with cosmic glee;

I’m pinned now on this wooden cross:

Lord, Why hast Thou forsaken me?

Almost a Sonnet:

         Growing Darkness,

         Desperate Plea


The Light of day is wounded, Lord;

Please help me to see clearly.

The Light of day has dimmed too much;

Help us who love you dearly.

Though after all it’s not the light,

It’s not the heavy morning haze

Or flock of birds or passing cloud—

No, it’s my own distracted gaze,

And failure to unthread this maze

That makes this plea so desperate!

Help me, Lord, to see the Light;

Restore my proper vision.

Let me not be lost within

This vale of dark derision!


Death is truly unkind

It decimates our friends;

In the end it leaves us

Too grave to make amends!

Death will too soon come for me

Knock softly at my door;

Inky darkness shrouds him,

It’s darkness to the core.

I cannot see beyond the vale

To that eternal shore,

Where judgment true awaits me,

And ones whom I adore.

Life is quite unstable,

Full of ups and downs;

Death is just the final move,

Where down is empty darkness

And up is towards God’s crown.