The Questing Ant
Each day I find one small red ant
Climbing a bathroom wall,
Looking for sugar, I must suppose,
And not for an empty stall.
The Questing Ant
Each day I find one small red ant
Climbing a bathroom wall,
Looking for sugar, I must suppose,
And not for an empty stall.
Just as I was going under,
Sitting in the Dentist's chair,
I saw a black ant walking towards me:
"Wonderland," I thought, "I'm there."
Then the Dentist needled me,
And I could not see to see.*
*With apologies to Emily D and Dr.
Brents, both of whom I like very much.
A is for Anthill,
A mound on the earth,
Full of dark tunnels
And a Queen of Great Girth.
[Author: see GQ for additional relevant vocabulary.]