D is for Dog,
A creature so Dear,
Each child should have one
To love and to rear.
D is for Dog,
A creature so Dear,
Each child should have one
To love and to rear.
B is for Balderdash,
A word that one uses
When Mother and Father
Are full of "Refuses."
Q is for Quirky,
A word I've been using;
I hope you don't find this
Terribly confusing.
[Author: Q also begins Quahog and Quoheleth,
both of which I first encountered in
Quite delightful books, both of which
could be seen as somewhat Quirky.]
G is for Goblins,
Creatures so mean
That when they get angry
Their teeth all turn Green!
A is for Anthill,
A mound on the earth,
Full of dark tunnels
And a Queen of Great Girth.
[Author: see GQ for additional relevant vocabulary.]
D is for Discombobulate,
A word for how you feel
When your world's turned upside down
And you've just tossed your meal.
What a day! I am absolutely discombobulated!