Just One
A grain of sand from ocean shore
Contains within its being
A cosmos full of wonder
And a glory breath exceeding.
Just One
A grain of sand from ocean shore
Contains within its being
A cosmos full of wonder
And a glory breath exceeding.
Beats per Minute
They say my heart stops often,
Three seconds more or less.
What if it won't start again?
Will-I just be laid to rest,
Put down into the cold cold ground,
Way too soon for glory bound,
Since my life is such a mess?
One of course can't just dust it off without reading the entries. My wife says I must move it because I don't use it. I don't use it frequently, but I do love having it close, my Dante Encyclopedia, along with several versions of the poem. Reading in it got me thinking and the next thing I knew, scratch paper was on the table (at my house scratch paper is called "clutter"!) and pen was in hand (at my house God knows I have way too many pens--10,000 at least--which I couldn't possibly use in a lifetime, so I am told). In any case, a new entry:
The Empyrean
Oh to bathe in the River of Light,
To secure a vision transcendent,
To see with clarity once in my life
All things with glory resplendent.
I would write well
For your good greater glory
But find that I'm trapped
In a real shoddy story