Startzman ·
Modification's the medical rage
For those who've reached a seventies age.
I'm part machine with a human heart,
A scar on my chest where they took me apart.
Now every night while I'm sound asleep
A machine sends a record of how my heart beats.
Startzman ·
Beats per Minute
They say my heart stops often,
Three seconds more or less.
What if it won't start again?
Will-I just be laid to rest,
Put down into the cold cold ground,
Way too soon for glory bound,
Since my life is such a mess?
Startzman ·
Heart Failure
My heart is beating wildly;
The Doctors don't know why.
They tell me it stops frequently;
I'm sure they wouldn't lie.
If I were not so brave and tough,
I'd probably weep and sigh;
For everybody knows a heart
That stops will one day die.
Startzman ·
Dead and Done
Dying a swift death right now
Means I might die alone.
The great advantage that entails:
I never had to get or use
A fancy damn cell phone!