The Hunter
A modicum of terror,
A flash of golden wings,
The song bird's joy is ended,
With the death life always brings.
The Hunter
A modicum of terror,
A flash of golden wings,
The song bird's joy is ended,
With the death life always brings.
The Door
Sometimes I'll go fishing
On Death's farthest shore;
Sometimes I'll walk up to his house
And beat upon his door,
Yell, "Open up and let me in;
I can't stand it anymore!
That last sharp pain that hit me,
Knocked me to the floor.
So open up and take me;
I can't stand it anymore."
I don't want to die in the Springtime,
I don't want to leave in the Fall,
I don't want to exit in Summer;
I'd prefer not to exit at all.
But I will go gentle in Winter
If the snow's scattered deep all around;
I'll go mostly gentle in Winter,
Into that good night and the ground.
Socially a socialite
Is worth more than a whore.
But in the eyes of God above
There is no measurement for love
While we live at death's door.
I will not say I want to live
My life to be one hundred;
For what if I were wracked with pain,
Lost my mind, became insane,
Lived 30 years in deep dark dread:
Then, take me Death and make me Dead.
No Such Thing
I know I'm never going to die;
I'm going to live forever.
The world will simply disappear,
And I'll expand; however,
That boys should die so far from home,
Their spirits lost in the wind,
Who can see what they might have become,
Who will forgive if they've sinned?
The Mystery
How can I be so alive today,
Then dead in the next tomorrow,
Leaving behind a small river of tears
And a swath of grief and sorrow?
Mr. Death
Death sat down beside me
In my ratty little boat
That had sprung a leak beneath me
And would no longer float.
"Well, Mr. Death," I said to him,
"Are you here to take my soul?"
"Just your life, you silly man!
Your soul's another's goal!"
The Finite
The world is but a body
Like the bodies that we are.
The world will die a sudden death,
That future though be far.
For me however death feels near;
Ten years sounds like a boast.
The end of things draws ever nigh
And haunts me like a ghost.
I used to think, when Mama died,
And she was just past 75,
That 75 was a ripe old age
(Clichés then were all the rage),
To minds so young and shallow;
God indeed might call them fallow.
I cried.
Now that I'm near 75
And find myself still up, alive,
Regarding age, King Lear was right:
Ripeness is all; death is a blight.
While Thomas knew the use of rage,
I fooled myself at my mother's grave.
My shallow mind:
Unripe, unkind.
The Grave Man
I tell myself I want to die,
Since die indeed I must;
And yet I think those awful words
Are just so much bleak dust
To keep the awful truth away
That death seems so unjust,
Since truly I don't want to die
While life is this robust.
Beats per Minute
They say my heart stops often,
Three seconds more or less.
What if it won't start again?
Will-I just be laid to rest,
Put down into the cold cold ground,
Way too soon for glory bound,
Since my life is such a mess?
Heart Failure
My heart is beating wildly;
The Doctors don't know why.
They tell me it stops frequently;
I'm sure they wouldn't lie.
If I were not so brave and tough,
I'd probably weep and sigh;
For everybody knows a heart
That stops will one day die.
Dead and Done
Dying a swift death right now
Means I might die alone.
The great advantage that entails:
I never had to get or use
A fancy damn cell phone!
Real Presence
Death is all around me,
Thinking he'll be fed,
Sitting on my night stand,
Hovering o'er my head.
I can smell his evil breath,
Full of foul decay;
Funny how his presence
Makes me stop and pray.
God always seems more real to me
When Death unveils his presence;
Though Death himself is preferable
To mindless blank senescence.
I wouldn't mind dying
To be with the Lord;
Death itself
Is not what's abhorred.
Indeed it's the thoughts
Of what I will miss:
Walks with my dog
Or a true lover's kiss.
The Agony
"Jesus Christ on a Cross!" they said.
Spear in his side, blood bright red,
Face of the crowd, a face of Dread.
Nails through his wrists, nails through his feet:
"Come Lamb of God, let's hear you bleat!"
"How do you like this judgment-seat?"
One shallow breath, too quickly dead.
Darkness--this holy land o'erspread.
"Jesus Christ on the Cross," they said.