Having dealt with the fallen self, it seemed right to try the unfallen, grace-sustained Mary.
Mary in the City
Wrapped around the lamppost,
The Serpent twitched his tail.
As Mary close approached him,
He bowed and uttered, "Hail!"
"Oh best of women, Mary,
Linger for a sspell.
I have an offer just for you;
I think you'll find it ssswell."
The lamplight shone on Mary's head;
The Serpent grew quite shy,
Or was it just a serpent's trick
To cause her to draw nigh?
"Lovelier than the reddest rose,
Far fairer than the night,
You think an angel spoke to you:
It was the bright lamplight."
"Oh Serpent coiled about the post
In simple subtle ways,
I know the value to a Tee
Of all your words of praise.
"So take yourself off to the woods
And leave this urban sprawl.
Though Eve your words may have believed,
I know who urged the Fall."
The Serpent thus unwound himself
And fled into the night,
While Mary went upon her way
And took with her all light.