
An Olde Olde Story, Slightly Retold...


          Eve Alone

Eve's in the Garden,

A perilous sight;

Adam's not present,

Something's not right.


Her beauty's like sun rays

Cutting through clouds;

Frolicing creatures

Attend her in crowds.


But something's not right,

She's in a blue funk;

If I didn't know better,

I'd blame Blossom the Skunk.


The Serpent is talking,

That's new today;

What in God's Garden

Could he possibly say?

Garden Encounters...


        Sinister Meetings

I peered down through the foliage green,

Down to the garden floor;

There I saw peering up at me

A nature I abhor.


It had an evil reptile head,

With evil reptile eyes.

Though just a garden garter snake,

It caught me by surprise.

Turtle in trouble...


         The Model

        28 May 2011

Simon found a turtle

Hunkered on the path

In the backyard garden:

It wasn't doing math.


Simon hunkered down as well,

Barking all the time,

While I rescued the turtle

For the turtle paradigm.


In the garden, a 4 foot rat snake...


             So Long Snake

Simon met the Rat Snake

On the path of grass and stone;

Astonished, he let loose a bark

That rattled wood and bone.


The snake continued gliding

O'er the rough-hewn garden walk,

While Simon kept on barking,

Not interested in talk.


When Simon closed upon him,

The snake reared up his head;

Simon suddenly remembered

He hadn't made his bed:


He suddenly remembered

He hadn't made his bed.

          So Long Simon!

Garden thoughts...


            Blessed Be...

  Blessed be the Garden

Home of our first sin;

  Blessed be the Garden

Where Judas turned Him in.


  Blessed be the Garden

Where they laid His head to rest;

  Blessed be the Garden

Where the Christ was but a guest.