It slips around a corner
Like rabbits on the run
Chased by zealous dachshunds
Out to have some fun.
You hardly know direction's changed
Until you hit the wall
And find yourself with aches and pains
And bruises from the Fall.
It slips around a corner
Like rabbits on the run
Chased by zealous dachshunds
Out to have some fun.
You hardly know direction's changed
Until you hit the wall
And find yourself with aches and pains
And bruises from the Fall.
Who Knew?
How did we get
To be who we are,
Self-aware creatures
Who live near a star,
Self-aware creatures
Whose lives are so small
That Time will consume us
Before next nightfall?
It's Time
The grandfather clock
Tick tocks tick tocks
And chimes
When you least expect.
As a bat might hang
By a dead man's tomb,
It hangs on the wall
In a very small room
While counting down to
The day of doom
To chime
When you least expect.
Taking Time, Indeed
I met a bug upon my walk;
He said he had no time to talk;
So with a sly malicious frown,
I turned and brought my right foot down,
Or turned and brought my foot right down.
In either case the bug is dead
And out of time indeed, I said,
And out of time indeed.
I see in their daughter
The next 60 years,
The joys and the sorrows,
The hopes and the fears.
Little does she know
Of time's quick flight,
How swiftly it passes,
In the glare of hindsight.
The whirligig of time spins round,
While the Earth stands still;
Or is it just the other way?
Such motion makes me ill.
Words mean,
Mean words.
Many words,
Worry many.
Bees buzz
Flies fly;
Flies buzz,
Bees die.
See what I mean?
Time's passing by.
Smile for a change;
Change for a smile.
Being and Nothingness
Sometimes I sleep...
Sometimes I wake...
I never know clock time.
I turn myself into a verse
And seal it with a rhyme.