Chance or the Dance...



A penny falls from Heaven,

Lands on the Walmart floor;

Do I stoop to pick it up

Or continue as before?


The penny's bright and shinny,

New as new can be;

Is it a gift from God above

Or just plain gravity?


The universe looks quite different,

Depending on where you stand;

Chance or the dance, you must decide,

But I stooped with outstretched hand.

Just Curious...


               Dew Worm

I should have thought it out before:

What does a dew worm do, and more?

Does the dew worm call the fish?

Is it part of the final dish?

Did the dew worm come from the ground?

When it crawls does it make a sound?

Has it ever stolen a book?

How did it get on that scary hook?

Is it part of a wrecking crew?

What does a dew worm really do?


No one has ever answered me

To my utter satisfaction:

What does a dew worm really do,

When it sets out to take action

A Windy Day Walk with Simon the Stubborn Dachshund


            "I Want to Go Home"

The wind was ogre-ish and strong,

The dog was long and small;

The wind tore at his face and back,

It terrified and appalled.


I saw the look in his dark eyes,

A desperate mute appeal,

To get him out of that bad wind

And home from this ordeal.


So home we went, uphill and down,

Hurrying through mean streets,

To safely lock the wild wind out

That with such force ill-treats

And forces such small dog retreats,

And forces such retreats.

Mitt takes a Hit...


           From the Top

Mitt went up the mountain,

Wearing his cheesy grin;

Mitt went up the mountain,

Certain that he would win.


Mitt came down the mountain,

His face showed his chagrin;

Mitt came down the mountain,

Having learned that Pride's a sin.


What Season Is It, I beg to know?



I walk into the bathroom,

Where, much to my chagrin,

I saw a scruffy cockroach,

Looking weak and thin.

I could have smashed him silly,

But I withheld my blow

And tossed the little fellow

A piece of mouldy dough.

He grabbed it with his mandibles,

Stuffed it in his vest,

Winked at me in passing,

Said, "Dude, you are the best."


#3:00 A.M. and All's Well in the Silly Season...


           Levi Chorus Line

"Buttons and rivets and pockets and cuffs,

And the thread that holds it together."


The universe is made of such stuff,

Held together in all kinds of weather:

Buttons and rivets and pockets and cuffs 

And vast flowing fields of Heather.


Pockets for trinkets and buttons for cuffs,

Rivets for Jeans and thread for muffs,

Zippers are grateful and laces are nice,

Velcro is handy when there's trouble with mice.


Pockets and rivets and buttons and cuffs;

Charge it to Target and call all their bluffs.