


Suppose they've really found it,

The particle that's God,

Who lets them see his Backside,

While sparing them His rod.


His Backside's really awesome,

To coin a current phrase,

But nothing like the Face of God,

Worthy all our praise.




Almost a Poem...



Of all the girls I loved before,

There's just one girl I still adore.

Her raven tresses turned to grey,

Her soft smooth skin has given way

To Time's caress and Nature's beat;

Yet, still her smile is God's own treat,

And for that smile there's this conceit:

Sweet Marguerite, sweet Marguerite.

Word Olay...



I'd rather be Alert than Around;

Alerts are wakeful, solemn and sound,

While Around is heavy, fitful and near,

Probably from drinking far too much beer.



After Dylan Thomas...



I don't want to die in the Springtime,

I don't want to leave in the Fall,

I don't want to exit in Summer;

I'd prefer not to exit at all.


But I will go gentle in Winter

If the snow's scattered deep all around;

I'll go mostly gentle in Winter,

Into that good night and the ground.

More Backyard Adventures...


             The Barred Owl

The big-winged owl flew through the yard,

Settled in the sweet gum tree,

Swiveled his head one-eighty degrees,

Then looked around at me.


"Oh My God!" I cried out loud,

"What's a man to do,

When a great Barred Owl looks down 

And says, 'Who-cooks-for-you?'"



Humerus? Of course not.


                Not Simon Either

Flinderfluff and Pufflesniff

Got into an awful tiff;

They were neighbors, don't you see,

And the Law explicitly

Forbids tiffs from taking place

Between neighbors of their race.

Both were placed under arrest;

Both quickly pleaded, "no contest."

Thus, the matter was resolved,

And, no dachshunds were involved.


Moses on Being


                  I AM

Everything that is

IS because of God

Who sustains its being--

From Angels down to sod,

From earth and fire and crisp cool air,

From flying fish to burning sun,

From water up to outer space--

All hold their being from the One. 


Danger: Religious Imagery Follows



The Catholic Coffers sent me,

With a charity request, 

Another Catholic crucifix

At "St. Anthony's behest."


Small and broken it arrived,

A bracelet made of tin.

I thanked St. Anthony, of course,

And tossed it in the bin.

A Riddle?


             The Dark Night

I saw myself in Heaven

One dark and starry night;

No one else was there though,

Which gave me a ghastly fright.


"Where are all the people?"

I cried to the star-lit sky?

The answer came down quickly,

"Those who've learned to die

Frolic in the sun-lit meadows

With God's Angels from on High."

What's in a name?


               The Surmize

What would the difference be

If when my parents christened me

They called me Louis 'stead of Gene;

Would I now be short and mean?


Long and short vowel sounds affect us,

Strengthen being or infect us,

Make us weak or carefully tweak us;

Who can to this riddle speak?



      Hanging by a Thread

Would I were a Worthwords,

A Bryon, Sheets or Kelley;

Would I could remember things

I'd just seen on the telly.

My mind's a bit off kilter

And my verse is even worse.

All I'm left with now it seems

Is the old brain-blocking curse.