Startzman ·
Suppose they've really found it,
The particle that's God,
Who lets them see his Backside,
While sparing them His rod.
His Backside's really awesome,
To coin a current phrase,
But nothing like the Face of God,
Worthy all our praise.
Startzman ·
Of all the girls I loved before,
There's just one girl I still adore.
Her raven tresses turned to grey,
Her soft smooth skin has given way
To Time's caress and Nature's beat;
Yet, still her smile is God's own treat,
And for that smile there's this conceit:
Sweet Marguerite, sweet Marguerite.
Startzman ·
The Blue Goofus
They give them for obesity,
They give them for panectomy,
They give them for, God only knows,
Those moss-green things that grow on toes;
So get in line to get yours too,
Before you turn completely blue.
Startzman ·
The Unkindest Cut
The day I cut my finger
Blood flowed like a river of red,
Down from the wounded member
Into the world of dread.
Startzman ·
I'd rather be Alert than Around;
Alerts are wakeful, solemn and sound,
While Around is heavy, fitful and near,
Probably from drinking far too much beer.
Startzman ·
I don't want to die in the Springtime,
I don't want to leave in the Fall,
I don't want to exit in Summer;
I'd prefer not to exit at all.
But I will go gentle in Winter
If the snow's scattered deep all around;
I'll go mostly gentle in Winter,
Into that good night and the ground.
Startzman ·
Frollie in the cornfield,
Rabbits on the run;
Dexter right behind her,
Happy as a nun
Celebrating Easter
For a joy hard won.
Startzman ·
Socially a socialite
Is worth more than a whore.
But in the eyes of God above
There is no measurement for love
While we live at death's door.
Startzman ·
I don't like to go to bed;
It's too much like being dead,
Especially in the dark of night
Where there's tygers burning bright.
Startzman ·
Andy Panda: Suitor
Andy Panda made a pass
At a pretty country lass;
Turns out she had 14 brothers
Who had chased off all the others.
Of course they chased off Andy too,
Who's now sporting black and blue.
Andy Panda! (#33)
Startzman ·
The Barred Owl
The big-winged owl flew through the yard,
Settled in the sweet gum tree,
Swiveled his head one-eighty degrees,
Then looked around at me.
"Oh My God!" I cried out loud,
"What's a man to do,
When a great Barred Owl looks down
And says, 'Who-cooks-for-you?'"
Startzman ·
The Titmice are banging the window,
Driving the fat cat insane;
For she can't reach through the window,
And that has affected her brain.
Startzman ·
I wish I'd get older quicker,
In terms of days counting down,
For I feel like one hundred twenty
And ripe for a plot in the ground.
Startzman ·
Ashes to Ashes
On Ash Wednesday comes the priest,
Tells us there will be no feast;
For Ash Wednesday begins Lent,
"Cause," he says, "we all are bent,
Deserve to be sunk in cement,
From our soles up to our necks
Until we learn how to repent.
For God's sake, it's not complex!"
Startzman ·
Not Simon Either
Flinderfluff and Pufflesniff
Got into an awful tiff;
They were neighbors, don't you see,
And the Law explicitly
Forbids tiffs from taking place
Between neighbors of their race.
Both were placed under arrest;
Both quickly pleaded, "no contest."
Thus, the matter was resolved,
And, no dachshunds were involved.
Startzman ·
Everything that is
IS because of God
Who sustains its being--
From Angels down to sod,
From earth and fire and crisp cool air,
From flying fish to burning sun,
From water up to outer space--
All hold their being from the One.
Startzman ·
The Catholic Coffers sent me,
With a charity request,
Another Catholic crucifix
At "St. Anthony's behest."
Small and broken it arrived,
A bracelet made of tin.
I thanked St. Anthony, of course,
And tossed it in the bin.
Startzman ·
The Dark Night
I saw myself in Heaven
One dark and starry night;
No one else was there though,
Which gave me a ghastly fright.
"Where are all the people?"
I cried to the star-lit sky?
The answer came down quickly,
"Those who've learned to die
Frolic in the sun-lit meadows
With God's Angels from on High."
Startzman ·
The Surmize
What would the difference be
If when my parents christened me
They called me Louis 'stead of Gene;
Would I now be short and mean?
Long and short vowel sounds affect us,
Strengthen being or infect us,
Make us weak or carefully tweak us;
Who can to this riddle speak?
Startzman ·
Hanging by a Thread
Would I were a Worthwords,
A Bryon, Sheets or Kelley;
Would I could remember things
I'd just seen on the telly.
My mind's a bit off kilter
And my verse is even worse.
All I'm left with now it seems
Is the old brain-blocking curse.