Eden's Weather
Ah. That's better:
Sun lit morning,
Eve's in her Garden,
I in my book.
Distance brings delight.
After all, I mistook,
Perhaps, and she will,
Once again, overlook.
Eden's Weather
Ah. That's better:
Sun lit morning,
Eve's in her Garden,
I in my book.
Distance brings delight.
After all, I mistook,
Perhaps, and she will,
Once again, overlook.
It sank in a blaze of colour,
A flaming tangerine sun
That set the gathering clouds ablaze
With a beauty to make angels run.
Now It's Tails
Last night we had an icy rain
That covered all the trees.
This morning all the Cardinal's tails
Were hung with icy-freeze.
Little Simon
Okay, okay, I admit it!
I kissed the Little Guy's nose:
Not once, not twice, but three times;
Thrice Dachshund love overflows.
The Cat
What goes on in a fuzzy cat's head,
Behind a fuzzy cat's eyes?
I've looked and looked to no avail;
Though I know it's not butterflies.
Eve Alone
Eve's in the Garden,
A perilous sight;
Adam's not present,
Something's not right.
Her beauty's like sun rays
Cutting through clouds;
Frolicing creatures
Attend her in crowds.
But something's not right,
She's in a blue funk;
If I didn't know better,
I'd blame Blossom the Skunk.
The Serpent is talking,
That's new today;
What in God's Garden
Could he possibly say?
"God Is Dead"
Look around you, what do you see?
The universe is empty space;
Nothing but matter in motion.
This thought makes me a basket case,
Unless of course that ilk is wrong,
And empty Earth's a trysting place,
For God to meet the human race
(And not His final resting place).
All that's missing then is grace
To see the face of God and live.
I've heard the academics say,
We live in a secular culture;
Their evidence is that they behave
Just like the hungry vulture.
Simon and the Scribe
Yesterday we walked and walked,
Two miles, but who was counting?
The Little Guy ate two gross things,
For taste there's no accounting.
[5965 steps; 2.16 miles]
I will not say I want to live
My life to be one hundred;
For what if I were wracked with pain,
Lost my mind, became insane,
Lived 30 years in deep dark dread:
Then, take me Death and make me Dead.
"Production Values"
Walking upside down the tree,
The nuthatch moves right fast and free,
Changing way upon a whim,
Snatching seed from tray and limb,
Living by its tiny wits,
Avoiding black caps, tufted tits,---
Watch him as he zips away,
Not one to wear out all his stay,
Like some noxious wedding guests,
Who turn into black airborne pests.
July, 2011
The sky above Morocco
Was filled with falling stars;
They say those rocks that fell from space
Were sent to us from Mars:
Martian rocks on Earthly soil?
Earth might embrace such perfect spoil.
But evidence of life therein?
The odds, I'd say, are mighty thin.
The Nap
The moment in the day that's best
Occurs when I lie down to rest
With the little dachshund guy.
Lord above, don't ask me why!
But thank you for the simple nap
That so offsets life's usual crap,
And thank you for the Little Guy
Who sleeps beside me by-and-by.
Creature Feature
Possums treat our neighborhood
As if it were a possum park;
Especially once the sun goes down
Out come these denizens of dark.
Dachshund Determination
Simon is a wonder dog;
Everybody says so.
When he barks three times real low,
We wonder where did Simon go?
Andy Panda (#32)
Andy Panda told a story
To his nephew, Little Rory,
But Little Rory fell asleep
Before Andy could say Bopeep.
Andy Panda!
The Nightmare
Lady Death appeared last night,
Beautiful in blue-black tights;
All she said was, "You are dreaming,
If you think you won't go screaming!"
Backyard Business
Why does the squirrel keep running,
When the dog can't climb the tree?
Why does the dog keep chasing,
When all he can do is see?
There must be joy in the effort
To race round the yard with glee
Always thinking that this time
The squirrel is a goner, you'll see.
God above:
May Simon continue to run with joy;
May the squirrels continue to flee.
Now she wakes up angry;
I'm really not sure why;
Sometimes it's all the junk mail,
Sometimes the rainy sky;
Sometimes her lovely eldest, Cain,
More often you or I.
Physics: Take Two
Echoes all around us,
Waiting to be heard,
Like my eager dachshund,
Waiting for my word.