Garden Encounters...


        Sinister Meetings

I peered down through the foliage green,

Down to the garden floor;

There I saw peering up at me

A nature I abhor.


It had an evil reptile head,

With evil reptile eyes.

Though just a garden garter snake,

It caught me by surprise.

Analogy or not...


        The Finite

The world is but a body

Like the bodies that we are.

The world will die a sudden death,

That future though be far.


For me however death feels near;

Ten years sounds like a boast.

The end of things draws ever nigh

And haunts me like a ghost.

"Do not go gentle into that good night..."



I used to think, when Mama died,

And she was just past 75,

That 75 was a ripe old age

(Clichés then were all the rage),

To minds so young and shallow;

God indeed might call them fallow.


I cried.


Now that I'm near 75

And find myself still up, alive,

Regarding age, King Lear was right:

Ripeness is all; death is a blight.

While Thomas knew the use of rage,

I fooled myself at my mother's grave.

My shallow mind:

Unripe, unkind.

Andy Panda, four in a row this time...


      Andy Panda #17

Andy Panda submarine,

Sailing  on a cloud serene,

Up above all towers high,

Cloud-capped Andy rides the sky.



    Andy Panda #18

Andy Panda in the closet,

Looking for his sweetheart's locket,

Found instead a nest of Ants,

Hanging out in Andy's pants.



     Andy Panda #19

Andy Panda foster child

Of angry woman, husband mild;

Simple Andy had a thought:

Anger leaves you overwrought.



     Andy Panda #20

Andy Panda bought a horse,

Called him AbelBaker,

Rode him down to Richmond town

To try a boiler maker.

          Andy Panda! 




#200: A Milestone of Sorts.

At the same time I have been reading G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy on my new kindle.  The book was free, along with his Heretics, his Father Brown Stories, The Wind in the Willows, a Spanish version of Don Quijote, the Gospel of John, and Alice in Wonderland.  In Orthodoxy I have just reread the "Ethics of Elfland."  What a delightful chapter: "...stories of magic alone can express my sense that life is not only a pleasure but a kind of eccentric privilege."  If my hands worked well, I would quote a number of examples of his insights.  "...we should thank God for beer and Burgandy by not drinking too much of them."   But they don't.  So it's off to find #201 in the plethora of delightful things around me.  "The greatest of poems is an inventory."  GKC