Miami Grade School, grade five, the summer...


         The Empty Schoolyard

                            for mk

We'd made a date to meet at 4

At our grade school playground.

I was late when I arrived;

She I found nowhere around,

That latent summer Saturday.


The old brick school was silent,

Its windows blank and dark:

The monkey bars, the ocean wave,

The row of swings with gentle sway,

And she I found nowhere around

On that summer Saturday.


Eventually I left for home,

Two lonely blocks in disrepair;

The emptiness I left behind--

Not really though, for it's still there,

From that summer Saturday.


Not a carriage ride...


      Mr. Death

Death sat down beside me

In my ratty little boat

That had sprung a leak beneath me

And would no longer float.


"Well, Mr. Death," I said to him,

"Are you here to take my soul?"

"Just your life, you silly man!

Your soul's another's goal!"


Do not adjust your computer...


              Twilight Zone

I saw an eyeball on the ground,

Peering up at me;

I wondered where its body was

And whether it could see.


I stooped to look more closely;

It blinked and disappeared:

I'd found an alien eyeball,

Detached and rather weird.

Neither a borrower nor a lender...



The last person I paid in advance

Left town quickly for the south of France.

I called his number to my chagrin,

For his number said that he wasn't in.

So much for paying well in advance;

Now I'm just saving for the south of France. 

An image has three qualities...


     Identity (the first)

     [Beatrice Portinari]

An Image has identity;

It exists in the world of time,

Like Beatrice, real woman,

Human--majestic and sublime.

     (b. 1266 d. 1290)

"Guardaci ben!  Ben son, ben son Beatrici."

"Look at me well: indeed I am, indeed I am

           Beatrice."  [Purgatorio: xxx: 73]



Andy Panda rides the range...


     Andy Panda #22

Andy Panda, purple haze,

Western sunsets, desert maze,

Lost among the prickly pear,

Fell into the Rattler's lair,

Stumbled back to desert air,

Not much worse for wear and terror.


Tarantulas mean desert dawn,

Scurry across each desert lawn,

Catching bats and bugs galore, 

Echoing poor Andy's roar.

  Andy the desert Panda! 

Just a silly songster...



Looking for a rhyme, I am,

A word to match moonlit,

A nature word, a garden word,

A pretty word to fit

With starlit evening wanderings

And hands that interknit,

Like Lovers from the Renaissance

Who on stone benches sit.

Alas, the song has knackered me,

And sadly I submit.