The adventure continued...


             The Fall

Every time I think of heights

I give myself a case of frights.

Standing on the very edge

Of a high and windy ledge,

Even with a rail around,

I know the terror of the ground,

Meeting it with every bone,

No time to hear my final groan.

From Simon's point of view...



Each night my master comes to me

Before he goes to bed,

Bends down and puts his bushy lips

Upon my hairy head.

He pats my butt and whispers sounds,

Sounds I never dread,

Unlike the rolling thunder

That echoes through my head.

I love the sounds he says to me,

Followed by my name,

For then I close my eyes and sleep,

And let the dreams me claim.

"I love you, Little Guy." 

Clocks on the walls...



Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Sings the merry cuckoo clock,

As it swings to and fro

In the Painter's studio. 


Now the Artist dons his smock,

Listening to the merry clock,

Dips his brush, applies the paint,

Searches for the hidden saint;


First the halo, next the wings,

Last the choir that Gloria sings.

Now that which had been concealed

Stands at last wholly revealed.

      Glory Hallelujah


Pacemaker Implant...



Modification's the medical rage

For those who've reached a seventies age.

I'm part machine with a human heart,

A scar on my chest where they took me apart.

Now every night while I'm sound asleep

A machine sends a record of how my heart beats.





That boys should die so far from home,

Their spirits lost in the wind,

Who can see what they might have become,

Who will forgive if they've sinned?