S is for Self
With all its fond urges,
Starships at light Speed
With alien Surges.
S is for Self
With all its fond urges,
Starships at light Speed
With alien Surges.
H is for Heaven,
Not pie in the sky;
No matter who tells you,
It's Joy by and by.
F is for Four,
A number of things,
One less than Five--
Funky Fungus, Gold Rings.
Whether by Weather
Quickly falling pressure,
A tightening, frightening measure,
As a fundamental source
Of winds of awful force.
I wouldn't mind dying
To be with the Lord;
Death itself
Is not what's abhorred.
Indeed it's the thoughts
Of what I will miss:
Walks with my dog
Or a true lover's kiss.
So Long Snake
Simon met the Rat Snake
On the path of grass and stone;
Astonished, he let loose a bark
That rattled wood and bone.
The snake continued gliding
O'er the rough-hewn garden walk,
While Simon kept on barking,
Not interested in talk.
When Simon closed upon him,
The snake reared up his head;
Simon suddenly remembered
He hadn't made his bed:
He suddenly remembered
He hadn't made his bed.
So Long Simon!
A Metaphysical Moment
Thoughts of my mortality
Flicker in my mind
Like fireflies in a small boy's jar
By the lid confined.
Rascal is a Runner,
A Baskervillean hound;
He runs so fast at night he glows
And breaks the speed of sound!
He breaks the speed of sound,
That Baskervillean hound;
You have to wear your ear plugs
Whenever he's around!
Look up! Subito!
I never feel heavy
Until I espy
A dark shape high-gliding
Through effortless skies.
Red Tux
[May 2011]
Where did he come from?
Where will he go,
That Rose-breasted grosbeak,
Dressed for a show?
Orion Nebula
Why would God make
Such a glorious sight,
Bright blazing suns
Lighting dust in our night,
But hiding the glory
Light years from our cries,
Unveiling the beauty
To alien skies?
G is for Gothic,
A word that denotes
Creepy old towers,
Old castles with moats.
O is for Osmosis,
A process fine and dandy,
Whereby a fluid or idea
Passes through whatever's handy.
Blessed Be...
Blessed be the Garden
Home of our first sin;
Blessed be the Garden
Where Judas turned Him in.
Blessed be the Garden
Where they laid His head to rest;
Blessed be the Garden
Where the Christ was but a guest.
Peter in the Garden
"First Response"
"Let them come, Jesus, my Lord!
I know just what to do!
I have my sword; I'll keep you safe:
I'll slay them all for you!"
"Put up your sword, my fiery friend;
I need no armed protection.
I must do what I must do;
Look to your own defection."
Q is for Quirky,
A word I've been using;
I hope you don't find this
Terribly confusing.
[Author: Q also begins Quahog and Quoheleth,
both of which I first encountered in
Quite delightful books, both of which
could be seen as somewhat Quirky.]
L is for Lemming,
A beast none too swift,
Who'll follow his Leader
Straight off a cliff.
[Editor: A very fine example of off-rhyme.]
G is for Goblins,
Creatures so mean
That when they get angry
Their teeth all turn Green!
A is for Anthill,
A mound on the earth,
Full of dark tunnels
And a Queen of Great Girth.
[Author: see GQ for additional relevant vocabulary.]