In the garden, a 4 foot rat snake...


             So Long Snake

Simon met the Rat Snake

On the path of grass and stone;

Astonished, he let loose a bark

That rattled wood and bone.


The snake continued gliding

O'er the rough-hewn garden walk,

While Simon kept on barking,

Not interested in talk.


When Simon closed upon him,

The snake reared up his head;

Simon suddenly remembered

He hadn't made his bed:


He suddenly remembered

He hadn't made his bed.

          So Long Simon!

That dog is a rascal!



Rascal is a Runner,

A Baskervillean hound;

He runs so fast at night he glows

And breaks the speed of sound!


He breaks the speed of sound,

That Baskervillean hound;

You have to wear your ear plugs

Whenever he's around!


Garden thoughts...


            Blessed Be...

  Blessed be the Garden

Home of our first sin;

  Blessed be the Garden

Where Judas turned Him in.


  Blessed be the Garden

Where they laid His head to rest;

  Blessed be the Garden

Where the Christ was but a guest.

Too often...


    Peter in the Garden

      "First Response"

"Let them come, Jesus, my Lord!

I know just what to do!

I have my sword; I'll keep you safe:

I'll slay them all for you!"


"Put up your sword, my fiery friend;

I need no armed protection.

I must do what I must do;

Look to your own defection."

Alas! The Q...



Q is for Quirky,

A word I've been using;

I hope you don't find this

Terribly confusing.


[Author: Q also begins Quahog and Quoheleth,

both of which I first encountered in

Quite delightful books, both of which

could be seen as somewhat Quirky.]