Pinkie's Pursuits...


        The Ins and Outs

Our black cat, an  in and out cat,

Sits like a sphinx by the door.

When she's in it's out she wants;

When she's out it's in.

In either case you can't tell by her face;

So it's best her desires you ignore.


Night Sky Simile....


           The Veil

The night sky's like a curtain,

A veil--of that I'm certain,

Hiding stacks and shelves of stars,

Galaxies and sometimes Mars;

Like a hugh department store,

With comets, meteors, and more;

Suns with energy to burn,

Solar winds that  whirl and turn

Cosmic dust to cosmic forms,

The consequence of cosmic storms;

Frigid moons that orbit worlds

Round far-flung planets light years hurled

That only Hubble can discern

For which just human hearts can yearn. 

Amen to this heavenly story,

This universe of light and glory. 

A man and his gun....


         My Daisy

I and my Red Ryder

Stand by the back deck door;

Chickadees swirl around us,

But it's squirrels that we abhor.


One slips down to the dogwood tree,

From the roof above;

I nail him with a bright bb,

A sport bird lovers love.


He races down the dogwood tree,

Jumps to the garden fence,

Disappears in the winter brush

Where the brush is thick and dense.


"Break out the beer and crackers,"

The birds all cry as one;

"And to the empty feeders

While the sentinel's got his gun!"

Existential anxiety....


       Real Presence

Death is all around me,

Thinking he'll be fed,

Sitting on my night stand,

Hovering o'er my head.


I can smell his evil breath,

Full of foul decay;

Funny how his presence

Makes me stop and pray.


God always seems more real to me

When Death unveils his presence;

Though Death himself is preferable

To mindless blank senescence.

TV pictures...



I love TV,

TV loves me.

I watch it,

It watches me.

I fall asleep,

The screen turns blue.

I dream the set

Has eaten me,

Awake to find it true.